FSRA Report Center
Yellow Card Report
Complete google form for all yellow cards given in each match.
Red Card Report
Complete google form for EACH red card given in a match.
Incident Report
Complete google form for any unusual incidents that need to be reported.
Referee CMI submission
Please submit any KMIs here, we will use them for better referee eucation.
Pre-Season Events
FSRA Pre-Season Checklist
Scrimmage / Jamboree
Please complete the google form to sign up for a scrimmage if you have not done so.
All referees must make 80% or higher to referee in the playoffs and 75% of higher to referee in the NCHSAA.
FSRA Booking Fee
Booking fee is $71. Make checks payable to “Foothill Soccer Referee Association, LLC” and send to 350 Agner Creek Dr. Salisbury, NC 28146.
Attend a Clinic
In person clinic dates are Februrary 17th at 6PM at the CO Miller Teen YMCA Center in Hickory and on February 21st at West Iredell at 7:30PM