FSRA Report Center

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    Yellow Card Report

    Complete google form for all yellow cards given in each match.

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    Red Card Report

    Complete google form for EACH red card given in a match.

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    Incident Report

    Complete google form for any unusual incidents that need to be reported.

  • Referee CMI submission

    Please submit any KMIs here, we will use them for better referee eucation.

Pre-Season Events

FSRA Pre-Season Checklist

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    Scrimmage / Jamboree

    Please complete the google form to sign up for a scrimmage if you have not done so.

  • NCHSAA Exam

    NCHSAA Exam

    All referees must make 80% or higher to referee in the playoffs and 75% of higher to referee in the NCHSAA.

  • Booking Fee

    FSRA Booking Fee

    Booking fee is $71. Make checks payable to “Foothill Soccer Referee Association, LLC” and send to 350 Agner Creek Dr. Salisbury, NC 28146.

  • Learning icon

    Attend a Clinic

    In person clinic dates are Februrary 17th at 6PM at the CO Miller Teen YMCA Center in Hickory and on February 21st at West Iredell at 7:30PM